Committed to Sustainable Cities and Human Settlements for All

In Special Consultative Status with ECOSOC



1. Forum discussion: opening ceremony, keynote speech, high-level dialogue, mayors panel, thematic sessions, recommendations and summaries

2. Sustainable Cities and Human Settlements Awards Ceremony 2022

Scope and Key Topics

1. Resilient cities and coastal areas: policies, technologies and practices

2. Transformative action and technology towards green energy transition and carbon-neutrality

3. Sustainable waste management for circular economy and zero-waste cities

4. Scale up nature-based solutions towards a greener urban future

5. Join International Green Model City Initiative and create carbon-neutral demonstration zones

6. Urban hydrology and integrated water resources management

7. Healthy, smart and zero carbon buildings

8. Boost financing for climate action and pollution abatement at the local level

9. Sustainable urban food systems for SDGs Acceleration

10. People-friendly urban public space

The distinguished speakers at the opening session
The distinguished keynote speakers
The Panelists at the High-Level Dialogue
The Mayors Panel

Awarders and Awardees at the 

Sustainable Cities And Human Settlements Awards Ceremony 2022