Committed to Sustainable Cities and Human Settlements for All

In Special Consultative Status with ECOSOC

New Sustainable Cities And Human Settlements Awards Application
I. Applicants and Eligibility
1. Applicants
The awards are open to legal government agencies, international organizations, enterprises, non-governmental organizations, academic institutions and individuals from various countries and regions across the world.
2. Eligibility
1) The submitted city sticks to sustainable development and aim for balanced integration of economic, social and environmental dimensions. Remarkable achievements have been made in green and smart city. Citizens enjoy a good sense of security and satisfaction.

2) With reference to the International Green Model City (IGMC) 3.0 Standards, the applicant shows a good performance in the six dimensions of "spatial planning and development, basic services, environment, economy, society, and culture". For more information, please refer to the IGMC online rating system (city version):  International Green Model City (IGMC) (

To apply for the award, please download the application form here (Global Smart Green City)

[Buildings and Communities]

1) The submitted project is characterized by energy and resource-saving designs, technologies and technics, aiming for green, healthy, low-carbon, smart and affordable buildings and communities with livable and comfortable human settlements.
2) With reference to the International Green Model City (IGMC) 3.0 Standards, the applicant shows a good performance in the six dimensions of "spatial planning and development, basic services, environment, economy, society, and culture". For more information, please refer to the IGMC online rating system (community version): International Green Model City (IGMC) ( 

To apply for the award, please download the application form below:

(Global Model of Smart Green Building

(Global Model of Smart Green Community)

[Planning and Design]
1) The submitted project is people-oriented and characterized by sustainability, innovation, integration and forward-thinking.

2) The project shows outstanding performance in resource conservation, social inclusion, climate change adaptation and mitigation, biodiversity conservation, and prevention of pollution, etc.

To apply for the award, please download the application form here (Global Human Settlements Award on Planning and Design)

1) The submitted project was built and officially put into operation, including natural scenic areas, historical and cultural scenic spots, leisure resorts, tourism and cultural projects, tourism and business integration projects, etc.
2) The submitted project possesses unique, national-level natural landscape or human landscape, with sound environmental quality.

3) The submitted project pursues sustainable development, values natural and cultural resources, and actively promotes environmentally-friendly planning, design and relevant technologies.

To apply for the award, please download the application form here (Global Model of Sustainable Tourism)

1) The submitted village has a long history, with reasonable spatial layout and morphology, well-preserved heritage buildings, ecological integrity, and perfect supporting infrastructure.

2) The submitted village is home to many indigenous people, well managed, and resilient, and is a perfect destination for living, working and tourism.

To apply for the award, please download the application form here (Global Human Settlements Model of Village)

1) The submitted project has produced significant effects and made outstanding contribution to the protection and restoration of terrestrial and marine ecosystems.

2) The project is innovative, inclusive, cost-effective, and replicable.

To apply for the award, please download the application form here (Global Model of Ecological Restoration and Protection)

1) Breakthrough innovation in theories or research achievements on sustainable development.
2) Breakthrough innovation in technologies or products; design, performance and practical effects are at an advanced level globally; the project has reached a certain market size, and its promotion and application will make great contributions.

3) Breakthrough innovation and achievements in processes, services, governance, etc.; the project is replicable, and its application is expected to make significant contributions. 

To apply for the award, please download the application form here (Global Innovation Award for Sustainable Development)

1) Organizations with outstanding leadership in and contribution to sustainable development, including national and local governments, international organizations, professional institutions, NGOs, enterprises, etc.

2) Individuals with outstanding leadership in and contribution to sustainable development, including government officials, mayors, heads of international organizations, heads of NGOs, entrepreneurs, business leaders, etc. 

To apply for the award, please download the application form here (Global Leadership Award for Sustainable Development)

II. How to Apply
1. Formally invited by GFHS Secretariat.
2. Recommended and nominated by GFHS partners.
3. Recommended and nominated by well-known individuals, international organizations or authoritative institutions.
4. Eligible applicants contacts GFHS Secretariat to indicate their desire and willingness for participation.

III. Application Materials
1. Organizations or individuals who apply through any of the above-mentioned channels shall fill in the application form and prepare relevant application materials as required.
2. The application materials are the main basis for assessment, and applicants shall prepare the required information earnestly and truthfully; when submitting the application form, important supporting documents, materials and information shall be attached as required.
3.  City governments and communities can submit key indicators through the IGMC online rating system, and at the same time submit relevant supporting documents and information to GFHS Secretariat.

IV. Reward Mechanism
1. Winners will be awarded certificates, medals and prize money at the Awards Ceremony.
2. Winners will gain publicity on mainstream media and social media.
3. Some of the winners’ innovation and best practices will be included in GFHS’ annual outcome document and relevant publications as research results, which will be promoted on a wider scale.
4. Award-winning cities and organizations will be given precedence to submit a bid to host the Annual Session of Global Forum on Human Settlements and relevant theme events. Specific procedures shall be discussed separately.

V. Assessment Principles
1. The assessment is based on the principles of “voluntary application, selection of the fittest, fairness and impartiality”. The evaluation process and information are confidential. Before the award is revealed, no other organizations or individuals have the right to guarantee that a certain applicant will win the award.
2. Each category of awards follows corresponding assessment criteria and index. The jury will strictly review and evaluate the applications accordingly, and conduct, as needed, on-site inspections or hold virtual meetings to enable shortlisted applicants to present their application.

3. Applicants do not need to pay application fee to anyone. Winners are responsible for their own travel expenses incurred when invited to attend the annual meeting of GFHS and awards ceremony.

VI. Procedure