Committed to Sustainable Cities and Human Settlements for All

In Special Consultative Status with ECOSOC

Lyu Haifeng:Speech at the GFHS 2024 Reception & Sustainable Cities and Human Settlements Awards Ceremony
Source: | Author: GFHS | Published time: 2024-11-01 | 266 Views | Share:

Mr. Lyu Haifeng, Co-Founder & Secretary General of Global Forum on Human Settlements, 

Co-Chairman & Secretary General of Global Human Settlements Foundation

October 24, 2024

Your excellencies, Dear distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, good evening!

On behalf of the Global Forum on Human Settlements & Global Human Settlements Foundation, I would like to express my gratitude to all of you for your active participation throughout the day. 

Today, we have had a very fruitful conference. I believe that tonight, you deserve a delicious dinner and a fantastic Awards Ceremony.

The “Sustainable Cities and Human Settlements Awards (abbreviation is SCAHSA)” is focused on promoting the mission of GFHS and the implementation of UN sustainable development goals, notably SDG 11. 

With the support and guidance from the UN agencies and other international organizations, SCAHSA has been successfully held for 19 years since 2005, with awardees coming from different parts of the world. It has become one of the most important awards on sustainable development in the world and has produced a significant demonstration effect.

Drawing on the successful experience of the Nobel Prize with 120+ years of history and backed by Global Human Settlements Foundation, the SCAHSA in 2024 has been fully upgraded to the "New Sustainable Cities and Human Settlements Awards" (abbreviated as the "New SCAHSA"), aiming to become a global top prize for sustainable development. 

The "New SCAHSA" will recognize and reward outstanding innovation and leadership in making sustainable cities and human settlements, including climate actions and sustainability practices, and promote their innovative strategies, technologies and approaches as well as successful experience. Winners will be awarded not only certificates and medals but also prize money, which will inspire their ambition and creativity and improve their work and living conditions, thus enabling them to achieve better performance and make greater contribution to our world and future generations.

Tonight, we will announce the 13 excellent winners in 8 categories, each winner will receive a prize of USD 5,000 to USD 10,000. Although this amount is modest, it marks a new beginning. We hope to mobilize more funds next year to support New SCAHSA and gradually realize our long-term goals. Our Co-Chairman and Treasurer of the Global Human Settlements Foundation, Mr. Fnu Oudom, is playing a leading role in this regard. Let's give him a warm round of applause for his great efforts and contributions.

Under the finance support, I believe the New SASHA will be more attractive and influential and will play an irreplaceable role for a sustainable urban future. 

Warmly welcome like-minded colleagues join us to support and contribute the great cause, that definitely will leave a lasting mark in history with boundless beneficence. 

Congratulations to all winners and runners-up this year. We are very proud of you!

Many thanks to all partners and guests. Wishing you an unforgettable night!