Committed to Sustainable Cities and Human Settlements for All
In Special Consultative Status with ECOSOC
The International Green Model City (IGMC) animation film was grandly premiered at the 2018 Annual Session of Global Forum on Human Settlements (GFHS 2018) which was successfully convened as an important observance of the World Cities Day 2018 at the United Nations Conference Center, Bangkok, Thailand on 30-31October. The film can be accessed via the following link:
IGMC animation film – the CBD
At the Global Forum on Human Settlements 2018, Mr. Lu Haifeng, Secretary General of Global Forum on Human Settlements, President of Better City Institute gave an interesting talk on “greener cities resemble trees” , implying that green cities should follow the main charateristics of a tree - being self-sufficient, environemntally-friendly, circulating resourecs, interconnected, inclusive and equitable. Centerned around the theme of "Green Model Cities", Mr. Lu composed a poem titled “Green Cities Resemble Trees” to shed more light on the importance of taking nature-based solutions for planning and developing green cities.
Green Cities Resemble Trees
Gracefully erect, the trees are towering,
Like Tao that closely follows nature.
Uninterruptedly from them energy is emanating,
For daylight provides the source of power.
Blessedly rained and dewed, they thus tend to cultivate,
In a robust cycle they turn over and over again.
They oblige loads of carbon to sequestrate,
While nursing numerous breathing lungs with fresh oxygen.
The leaf vein network is balanceably level,
Reaching each cell through every different way.
Happily it conveys synergy from petal to petal,
And ushers rustling wind to merrily stay.
As long as Green Cities resemble trees,
The world will teem with happiness forever.
The poem is displayed in Chinese through a calligraphy work
On top of that, a special training session was conducted during GFHS 2018 to further promote the
understanding of IGMC Standards 3.0 and to propel substantive actions of
integrating the Standards into urban planning and development. Mr. Lu Haifeng
shared that IGMC 3.0 builds on a comprehensive Four-Lever approach including i)
compact urban growth through higher densities, contiguous development, spatial
restructuring of the urban form so as to reduce demands for energy and
resources on a large scale; ii) continuously reducing demands through creating
functionally and socially mixed liveable neighbourhoods; iii) improving resource
efficiency through smart technologies, energy-efficient buildings and urban
basic services; and iv) promoting sustainable behaviors and green lifestyles to
further increase efficiency. Mr. Serge Salat, President, Urban Morphology and
Complex Systems Institute, Paris, France, Leading Expert IGMC Standards 3.0
emphasized that one of the major benefits of integrating IGMC Standards is
enhancing assets value in cities and urban competitiveness.
In the meantime, a parallel session was held to exclusively focus on building International Green Model City and boosting urban innovation and green growth. IGMC online rating system including a comprehensive set of indicators was elaborated to offer cities and communities an assessment tool to identify gaps and opportunities. After the systematic evaluation, IGMC will provide tailor-made solutions and conduct pilots to support cities in closing the gaps and realizing sustainable growth.
IGMC Initiative Partner Award Ceremony
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