Committed to Sustainable Cities and Human Settlements for All

In Special Consultative Status with ECOSOC

Mr. Thitawat Asaves: Financing for Sustainable Urban Infrastructure
Source: | Author:gfhsforum | Published time: 2018-11-16 | 1143 Views | Share:
Mr. Thitawat Asaves, Executive Vice President, Head of Investment Banking Division, Bank of Ayudhya PCL.

Over recent years, Thailand has increasingly pursued Infrastructure development, to mitigate the pressures of over-capacity driven by rapid domestic modernization and the continued strength of its tourism & travel industries.

Infrastructure development has been accelerated through the Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC) initiatives.

To achieve this development, the Thai Government has opened-up to Private sector investment.

Thailand’s Focus – EEC Infrastructure

l  Development of the EEC aims to help revive investment in Thailand, and encourage dynamic technology transfer from foreign parties.

l  To meet this goal, the Government will focus on three areas:

i.          Infrastructure Development

ii.        Business Incentives

iii.      Business Facilities

l  Infrastructure development includes:

i.          Airport Expansion

ii.        Motorway Extensions

iii.      Deep-sea Port Upgrades

iv.       Construction of new High-Speed Rail

l  These developments will incentivize increased business in the region.

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